Módulo E
Module E Generation of simplex Documents (Resp. M. Palomar)
This project will be based on converting documents into an accessible personalised form for end-user profiles with cognitive difficulties.
Task E1. Language processing components (Resp. P.Martínez-Barco)
One aspect of this functionality will be achieved by the implementation of language processing components aimed at removing obstacles to reading comprehension while preserving the meanings expressed by the original document. The language processing components implemented in the project will detect and remove obstacles caused by structural complexity (Module B) and ambiguity in meaning (Module C).
Task E2. Generation of simplex documents (Resp. M. Palomar)
The second aspect of the conversion process will be the generation of content based on textual data occurring in the document to supplement that textual data. This content will include document navigation tools, summaries, pre-reading questions, and images.
Task E3. SIMPLE.TEXT System (Resp. P. Moreda)
Construction of a system that integrates the set of tools developed into a platform that is accessible and easy to use.
Results of this module: