Módulo C

Module C: Processing of structural complexity (Resp. P. Moreda)

The objective of this module is to analyse and investigate the state of the art of three main areas of natural language processing, and their application to the simplification of texts. These areas are lexical processing, syntactic processing, and discourse processing.

Task C.1: Lexical processing (Resp. P.Moreda)

The detection and removal of obstacles to reading comprehension caused by the individual words used in documents that users wish to access will build on a variety of related research. 

An exhaustive review of the state of the art will be carried out to determine the best lexical tools

Task C.2: Syntactic processing (Resp. E. Lloret)

Many technologies to detect and remove syntactic obstacles to reading comprehension depend on syntactic parsing. Syntactic relations such as coordination and subordination, signaled by using conjunctions and punctuation, must be recognised accurately.

An exhaustive review of the state of the art will be carried out to determine the best syntactic tools


Results of this module: 

  • State of the art of lexical processing.
  • State of the art of syntatic processing.
  • Tool for lexical processing.
  • Tool for syntatic processing.